What is the Micra, and how does it compare to a conventional pacemaker?
Unlike most pacemakers that are placed in the patient’s chest near the collarbone with leads running to the heart, the Micra is implanted directly into the patient’s heart.
- Less invasive — Micra is placed in the heart with the use of a catheter via a vein in the leg, thus no chest incision, scar, or bump that results from conventional pacemakers.
- Self-contained — Micra is completely self-contained within the heart. It eliminates potential medical complications arising from a chest incision and from wires running from a conventional pacemaker into the heart.
- Small — Micra is 93% smaller than conventional pacemakers, about the size of a large vitamin capsule.

For most patients, the Micra design translates to fewer medical complications and fewer post-implant activity restrictions.
What is a pacemaker and how does it work?
Is Micra the right pacemaker for all patients?
No, Micra is not the right option for everyone. Micra is intended for patients who need a single chamber pacemaker (also known as a ventricular pacemaker, or VVIR). Talk to your doctor about the suitability, benefits, and risks of Micra for you.
How is Micra placed into my heart?
Your doctor will insert a “straw-like” catheter into a vein in your upper thigh and use the catheter to move Micra into the right ventricle of your heart. The catheter is then removed.
Micra Implantation
Are MRI scans okay with my Micra?
Micra was designed, tested, and approved to be used safely with MRI scanners. You can undergo an MRI scan as long as patient eligibility requirements are met.
Will items containing magnets affect my Micra?
It is possible. We recommend keeping items containing magnets at least 6 inches away from an implanted pacemaker. This includes mobile phones, magnetic therapy products, stereo speakers, and handheld massagers. We do not recommend putting a mobile phone in your shirt pocket or using magnetic mattress pads and pillows.
Is it safe to go through an airport metal detector?
Yes, you can safely go through airport security with this device, unlike a conventional pacemaker.
Are household appliances safe to use?
Yes, household appliances that are properly maintained and in good working order are safe. This includes microwave ovens, major appliances, electric blankets, and heating pads.
What is recovery after the Micra procedure?
- You will likely be discharged the same day or the next day of procedure.
- You are able to walk within a few hours after the procedure.
- No heavy weight lifting/swimming for 1 week after the procedure.
- You can shower from second day after the procedure.
- Call the doctor if you have swelling, heat, or redness in the area, as these can be signs of infection.
How long does the Micra last?
The Micra has a battery and the battery life depends on your heart condition. The estimated average longevity is up to 12 years. Individual patient experience may vary. Your doctor will check on the battery when you come in for a checkup.
What happens when the Micra battery runs low?
Micra is designed to provide options when a new device is needed. It may be turned off and a new Micra or a traditional system may be implanted. The Micra also offers a retrieval feature to enable retrieval, when possible. Your doctor will determine what is best for you.
How often will I need to visit the doctor after Micra is implanted?
Your doctor will decide how often they want to see you. Typically, your first follow-up appointment is one month after implant, with additional follow-ups every 3-6 months.
Micra Pacemaker Discharge Instructions
Follow Up
You will need a 1-2-week post-procedure follow-up appointment with us. Please call us at (602) 698-5820 to schedule this appointment if one was not made for you at the time of your discharge from the hospital. Your follow-up will consist of a reassessment of your symptoms and checking the pacemaker function.
What To Expect At Home
- Bruising of the trunk, groin and leg around the puncture site is normal and should resolve in a few days.
- You will be sent home with a bandage over the area which can typically be removed the day after the procedure.
- Shower as usual after the bandages are removed. You may gently wash the area with soap and water but do not scrub the puncture site.
- If you discontinued any medications pre-procedure, resume taking them unless told otherwise by your physician upon discharge from the hospital.
- Do not lift over 10 lbs. for 5 days post-procedure.
- You may resume physical activity after 1-2 days but avoid any strenuous activity such as exercise for 1 week post-procedure.
- Do not take a tub bath, Jacuzzi or swim for 7 days.
- Discuss with your physician prior to discharge about when it is appropriate for you to return to work.
Call If You Experience:
- Significant redness, heat, swelling, drainage or severe pain at your puncture site. If any bleeding occurs, hold direct pressure at the site with gauze or a band-aid. If the bleeding continues past 10 minutes, call your physician and seek immediate medical attention.
- Fever of 100 degrees or higher. A high temperature can be early signs of infection.